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A recent study has discovered that broccoli sprouts are an excellent source of sulforaphane, an active cancer-fighting compound. Though small, these sprouts contain a high concentration and diversity of nutrients, including those which help keep the body immune to chronic diseases.

Broccoli Sprouts

  • Source: Health Benefits of Broccoli Sprouts

    • Most of the health benefits of broccoli sprouts come from their high level of glucoraphanin. Your body converts this compound into sulforaphane, which protects your cells against inflammation and a wide variety of diseases.
    • Many studies have confirmed that eating cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli) can protect against a number of cancers. Sulforaphane from these foods slows tumor growth and stops benign carcinogens from converting into active ones.
    • The sulforaphane found in broccoli sprouts helps fight the type of bacteria that causes ulcers.
    • Some studies have shown sulforaphane to be an effective treatment for a number of mental health disorders.
    • These sprouts are bursting with vitamins and other nutrients, including Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium, Iron.
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