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  • Leaves is regarded to be good for pregnant women and nursing mothers to smoothen their milk.
  • Containing ephedrine that were very good for people with influenza. Iron content is high enough to overcome the symptoms of diseases such as  anemia.
  • Nourish the eyes, the content of beta-carotene and vitamin A that are believed to help prevent eye disorders.

  • Good for men’s health. In katuk there are active substances that can stimulate the synthesis of steroid hormones such as progestron, and testosterone.
  • Contain main compounds that the body needed in the manufacture of collagen inside human body, and as a fat carrier, transporting electrons, the gums health, regulate cholesterol levels, as well as immunity boosters and increase resilience of the body.



20 Scientific Health Benefits of Katuk Plant


DISCLAIMER: The content on this site is for informational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.

Katuk Tea Leaves

PriceFrom $1.00
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