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Spearmint Tea Leaves

PriceFrom $1.00
    • Shown to relieve digestive symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and bloating.
    • High in beneficial antioxidant compounds that help protect against and repair damage caused by free radicals.
    • May have beneficial effects on hormones in women, including decreasing male hormones like testosterone and increasing hormones necessary for ovulation.
    • May help reduce facial hair growth in women.
    • Shown beneficial effects on arthritis pain in both human and animal studies. Additionally, tea made from this herb may help reduce stiffness and disability caused by arthritis.
    • Some studies have shown a benefit of spearmint extract on memory in older adults.
    • Spearmint has antibacterial activity against several types of harmful bacteria, including bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses, such as E. coli and Listeria.
    • Animal research has shown that this herb may significantly lower blood sugar in rats with diabetes.
    • Contains compounds that have been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
    • May help lower high blood pressure.


    11 Surprising Benefits of Spearmint Tea and Essential Oil


    DISCLAIMER: The content on this site is for informational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.


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